Friday, December 12, 2008

'Tis the season.

Due to several recent events, my family has been running behind in preparing for Christmas. Last night Mrs. Spiff got the decorations pulled out and started up. Today she and the kiddos are working on putting up the tree and various other holiday trappings.

All that means that I have now officially donned my seasonal Rangers hat. (Sorry about the picture background, Mrs. Spiff is in the middle of recovering a couch.) I picked up this hat early last year on clearance and wore it for the first time last Christmas. Spiff Jr. was duly impressed and gave his approval. Needless to say, I receive comments when out and about on the town. Since I am in Royals country the reaction is probably amplified.

So, am I the only one crazy enough to actually wear such a headpiece? How about you? How do you fly your team's colors?


  1. I'm not as brave as you. I'm not the Santa-hat wearing kind.

    The best that I can do is: I have a Dodgers license frame on my car. And my vehicle is Dodger blue.

  2. Not sure brave is the word. Maybe foolhardy. My wife says that I am not the Santa hat wearing type either and would be better off sticking with a ball cap.

  3. I saw a Lonhorn Santa hat this weekend. I was tempted but I decided to by some Longhorn ornaments for my sports tree instead.
