Saturday, June 16, 2012

Changing stadiums.

Sorry about the very poor scan today. These 1994 Score Gold Rush cards don't scan well at all. You can see the important part of card 329 though, Arlington Stadium.

By the time this card came out in 1994 the Rangers had moved into The Ballpark in Arlington. That brings me to the point of this post, moving.

Yesterday I accepted a job in Texas. That means that in the next three weeks I will be trying as hard as possible to get as much done as possible to get the family packed and the house ready to sell. Following that I will be starting a new job two states away from where I now live and work.

Needless to say, that will cause a major amount of upheaval. While I am still planning on posting as often as possible, I will say up front that there will likely be many interruptions due to life. I would ask your pardon and understanding in advance. I am already looking forward to getting back to a regular posting schedule. Thank you for your patience.


  1. Good luck with the new job & house, Spiff!

    (And now you're that much closer to Arlington)

  2. You're coming to Texas! How close to Arlington?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good luck and welcome to God's country.

  5. Thanks for the well-wishes. The city I will be working in is about 35 minutes from Arlington.

  6. for me its always fun to have a job & home at new place, i love thosw jobs in which you have to move from place to place. best wishes for u Spiff, hope u will adjust there soon.
