What makes this stub important to me is the date. This was two days before I got married. That is why I was in Texas in the first place that day. My brother (an A's fan) was back from overseas with the Air Force (he bought the tickets with his Military ID, that's why it's marked half price), my father-in-law, Dad, and my Grandfather rounded out the rest of the party. Even though the Rangers lost we had a great time. I got my love of the Rangers from my Grandfather. He was always hoping that the next year would be the year. He loved baseball and the St. Louis Cardinals but switched to the Rangers when they came to town in 1972 and never looked back. Growing up we would occasionally attend a game when visiting my grandparents. Good times in the bleachers at Arlington Stadium. This would be the last game I would attend with my Grandfather. His health declined, I got busy being married and having kids, and he passed away last July. I have several other stubs from Rangers games I have attended but this one just might be the most important to me.
Baseball, Dads, Kids and GrandPas make for awesome lifetime memories.
True. I think that is one of the main reasons I like the sport. I have a real link to my Grandfather and Dad and I am hoping to pass it down to my son.
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