Will seems to be waiting on deck for his turn at bat. Not sure what is going on with the left hand. Like most Starting Lineup figures, the facial features on this one bear at most a passing resemblance to Clark.
Starting Lineup figures were the in thing when they debuted in the late 80's. I remember searching through the figures on the racks at the stores trying to get all the Rangers I could get my hands on. The price was a bit steep for me though for what amounted to just one card and I never did manage to put together a complete team set. For years I had them displayed in my room and the sun gradually took its toll on some of the older figures in their home whites. Clark was a later addition though and managed to avoid the slight yellowing effect.
I respect Will Clark, but I never accepted him as a Ranger.
I understand. When I think of first base and the Rangers Clark's name is rarely the first to come to mind.
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