I do like the design of this card though. The close-up super-imposed over the action shot gives one the best of both worlds as far as pictures. Pete appears in the background shot to be preparing to launch a zinger against the Expos in Spring Training. In the days before Interleague play that would be the only time the two teams would see each other short of the post-season. Also, another nice feature of this card is the defensive stats. Don't see those too often on the back of cards.
Inky played five seasons for Texas after moving straight from college ball to the bigs. He tore up the league his rookie season in 1986 with the then impressive number of 30 home runs. I remember considering him to be a giant when I first started seriously following Texas in 1987. Inky had his own fan section in Arlington Stadium. His defense was minimal and he never reached 90 RBI in a season while with Texas but he was Juan Gonzalez before there was a Juan Gonzalez.