The back of the card informs us that, "Ivan owns one of the best throwing arms in the Major Leagues and showed it off in his debut by gunning down two White Sox base-stealers."
Here are the answers to Saturday's trivia. I must admit to being a little surprised that nobody even took a shot at the questions.
1. True - Easy one there.
2. Al Kaline - Probably would have gotten that one.
3. Bob Horner - No way without some research.
4. Bert Blyleven - Ditto to number 3.
5. True - Another easy one to finish it out.
One last small item. If either of the two or three folks reading this blog is a Rangers fan and needs a few set fillers, let me know. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 plus doubles (triples, quads, etc.) of Rangers. I would be willing to work out a deal for some of these to help out fellow Rangers collectors.
hey been reading your blog for about a month, and it has become a workday ritual. I am a fellow Ranger fan and have started updating my Ranger Cards. I have mostly been buying off ebay but would love to fill out the set. Let me know, if we can work something out...
Thanks for reading and commenting. I am sure that we can work something out. Let me know what you need and I will hit as many of your needs as possible. If you have a wantlist and would like to email it to me you can at rmatlack3 at juno dot com. Thanks.
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