My Grandfather always used to say that Boo had the softest hands in the Majors. The back of this card seems to agree, calling him "one of the league's better defensive third basemen." When my family visited and got to see the Rangers on TV it was a real joy to watch Boo man the hot corner.
1991 Score is one of those sets that I would like to put to bed. I am just two cards from completing it and would be interested in working a trade with anyone who might have them. Here is what I have left from this rather large team set:
1991 Score
900 Nolan Ryan COOP
1991 Score Rookies & Traded
82T Ivan Rodriguez RC
If you have either or both of these cards and are willing to let them go please contact me and let's see if we can swing a deal.
It is great to see him get a chance to Manage in the organization. I wish him well. That is a nice photo on that card.
One of Boo's better cards photo-wise I think. It would be nice to see him as a managerial success.
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